Our sales team are our champions: their performance completely depends on their ability to adapt and improve their approach on a continuous basis. VirtualExpo…
There’s something special about the holiday season at VirtualExpo Group. Conviviality and sharing are in the spotlight in these last few weeks separating us…
For our participation in the HR prize for the Grand Sud region, organized by Michael Page and ANDRH, VirtualExpo Group presented 3 projects addressing…
2020 marks the beginning of a new era for the VirtualExpo group. Since the launch of DirectIndustry, the sourcing site for industry professionals, our…
Working at VirtualExpo Group also means sharing strong values backed by managers, which leads to a strong and concrete commitment on behalf of employees…
World Sailing is the governing body for competitive sailing at the international level. On Sunday, November 1st, Yann Rocherieux, Manager of the Translation and…